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Malt Extract Powder

Malt Extract Powder

Malted barley is made by mashing malted grain with water, which allows enzymes to break down the starch and proteinaceous content of the malted grain. Instead of fermenting the resulting sugary liquid into beer, the insoluble fibre is removed, and the resultant sugary liquid is spray dried to make Malt Extract Powder. It is a light beige to tan powder that is very hygroscopic and free flowing in nature. Malt extract powder dissolves fully in hot as well as cold water. Moreover, the Malt Extract Powder has features like, it is natural and has a unique malty aroma, colour and flavour.

Product Details



Pack Size

25 kg

Packaging Type

Polythene Lined, Kraft Paper


Manufacturing of Nutritious Food



Pack Type

Bottle, Can, Drum
